You may be able to get away with postponing your annual check-up. However, the truth is, there are plenty of reasons why you should never skip out on an appointment with your family doctor.
Regardless of how healthy you think you are, a yearly examination can help catch problems before they become more serious. Here are five reasons why adults should make time for their annual exams.
It's important not to neglect your health, which means catching illnesses as soon as possible. While you might feel like you're never sick, doctors recommend annual examinations as the best way to detect any early signs of diseases or disorders such as cancer, diabetes, or heart disease.
When you visit your family doctor once a year, they can diagnose any problems and make changes to your treatment plan as needed. If serious conditions such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes are caught early enough, you can avoid the need for emergency care down the road.
Your family doctor is a valuable source of information. They are tailored to your personal health needs; after all, they know your medical history and family health risks better than anyone else does. They can help you make lifestyle changes to improve your health and prevent illness.
Most insurance providers require patients to have an annual exam before covering any treatments or procedures, such as a colonoscopy, mammogram, preventive dental care, or physical therapy. If you skip your annual exam, you're at risk of having to pay for these services out-of-pocket.
By ensuring that you're up-to-date on vaccinations and screenings, eating a healthy diet, maintaining an active lifestyle, and getting treatment for ongoing medical conditions, you can lower your risk of developing serious health problems.
Take control of your health and schedule an annual check-up with your family doctor. After all, you're worth it! Contact us today for more information about how you can take care of yourself and avoid costly emergency care.
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